High resolution scanning services for artists and creatives

Whether you want to create an online portfolio or sell exquisite reproductions of your work, a crystal clear scan is the place to start.
I know — handing your masterpieces over for scanning can be stressful. But as a veteran art handler, I’ve got the skills and experience to keep your work safe.
Not only that, high quality digital scans can boost your exposure — and your income.

The science of digital art

For over 10 years, I’ve developed strong relationships with artists,
photographers, and framers in south Western Australia. And they
know — when it comes to spot-on digital scans of their artwork, they
can count on me.


  • Turnaround time

    Photo prints are usually completed in less than a week.

  • Book a consultation

    Not sure where to start? Book a FREE consultation!

  • FAQ

    Learn more about my high resolution photo printing services.

 Professional artwork scanning

My Epson 10000XL scanner captures every detail of your work — all you have to do is choose the type of scan that’s best for you.

Basic artwork scan

Choose this option if you’re keen to prepare your own artworks for printing.

  • 300 DPI scan

Print-ready artwork scan

Choose this option for high resolution, ready-to-print digital files

  • 600 DPI scan

  • Colour correction

  • A4 print

  • High res digital files

If you’re ready to digitise your artworks — I’d love to hear from you!

With 10 years’ experience in photo imaging, design, and art handling, I’m trusted by dozens of Great Southern artists and creatives.

Tell me more about your projects below.

No problem. A state-of-the-art copy scanner means I can scan and expertly stitch images up to A0 (120x120cm). Capture all the richness and subtlety of even your largest works of art.

To learn more, just fill in the form below. Be sure to the dimensions of each piece, as well as a quick photo. I’ll get back to you shortly with a quote.

Extra large pieces?